WWW WEDNESDAY (#9) : 11th October 2017


Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme is hosted by Taking on a World of Words. You can participate it too! Just answer the three questions below.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Yeah, I’m still reading Macadamian Pliers… I’m super bad at this right now, okay!! But it has been so hard to actually stay awake in bed reading.. And that’s almost the only time I read my ebooks.
Then I also started Stalking Jack the Ripper today and I’m already hooked! I’ve read only the first two chapters but I can already say that I agree with everything James Patterson said at the first page.

Recently Finished



This is the only book I finished after last Wednesday. And I know I was supposed to read the Picture of Dorian Gray but I tried and just didn’t feel like it. Maybe I’ll try again some day, maybe not?
But as for the I Am the Messenger, I have to say it was a struggle to read too. It was just meh.. I don’t know. Everyone seems to love it but it didn’t get me hooked or excited. But more about that tomorrow!


Reading Next

I’ve gotten couple more ARCs to read and these two are on my TBR for next week. Make It Count was actually published yesterday but I knew I couldn’t read it before that, so I’ll do it next. Adventures In Farland is to be published October 19th so that’s also high on my TBR. I’d like to read it before it’s published. And yes, it is a kids book but I do have two kids of my own so maybe if I like this, I’ll try to translate it in Finnish so that I can read it for my kids?




As for a physical book, if I have time, I think I’ll try to get into Glass Sword. I think it’s about a time for me to pick that up. I mean I have had it since last December and back then I was super excited to read it. So maybe now would be the time, finally? 😀



So here’s my Ws this time, what are yours? 
And also sorry for being kind of absent lately. I’ve just had hard time to focus on anything lately. I don’t know if the labor is getting closer or what it is that’s making me so uneasy now but yeah, I have been kind of all over the places lately. Doing million different things at the same time just because I can’t keep my focus on one thing that long. It’s getting annoying but the due date is only week away and I have my hopes up that it won’t be that long anymore!


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