
Hi guys! How’s life treating you today? We got some sad news yesterday and kind of spent the night talking about that and I completely forgot the whole T5T. But today I’m here with WWW and I’ve actually finished something, lol.

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme is hosted by Taking on a World of Words. You can participate it too! Just answer the three questions below.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?



The Assassin’s Blade
Progress: 120/438
Thoughts: I’ve made no progress at all since last week. But I thought that I’d try and read at least one novella per week.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Progress: 100/232
Thoughts: I’m liking it so far. Though I somewhat would like to have more conversations and all that but at the same time I kinda like this diary style of writing.



The Hazel Wood was really good! I especially loved the audiobook narrator’s  voice and I bet that she made all the songs and all even better and more beautiful!



Obviously I’d love to finish Assassin’s blade but if I manage to read even one novella, I’m good with that. Also I still have A Boy Made of Blocks from library still so that’s also next on my list.


6 thoughts on “WWW WEDNESDAY (#29)

  1. I have The Hazel Wood on my shelf. I’ve been thinking of reading it for a while but never really got that far… I really want to read it tho, so one day.
    I also have the perks of being a wallflower on my tbr as well but i have heard weird things about the writing. I’m glad you are liking it tho, probably means I will like it too lol.

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