
Hi guys! I’m sorry I haven’t been very interactive here like at all. I just fell in such a deep slump that I haven’t feel like doing anything book related. I’ve opened wordpress on my phone like million times during these past two weeks and always noticed that I just can’t concentrate and my mind is all over the place. But I’m slowly digging myself out of this deep hole and decided to reread Night School in hopes that it would get me out and so far it is working! I’m here, making this post, reading yours and will be commenting too. Though there won’t be WWW Wednesday tomorrow since I haven’t made any progression.

Enough of my babble, let’s get on with this!
Top 5 Tuesday is created and hosted by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm and todays topic is top 5 books I predict will be 5 star reads!


The rest of this series! I loved Stalking Jack the Ripper and I’ve heard nothing but great things about these two and ahh can’t wait to get to them! I mean, look at those covers too!!!!


It’s the last book! 😥 But I have so high hopes for Obsidio that I can’t even stay in my pants while waiting this to arrive! It just got better with Gemina so it has to be amazing in Obsidio, right?


I love historical fiction and especially the ones from WWII. I actually wanted to request this from Netgalley when it was there but sadly it wasn’t available for me to request. But now I have it as an audiobook and can’t wait to get to it, I’m sure I’ll love it!


Nevernight is one of the 8 books I ordered and I can’t wait to get to it. I’ve wanted to read more from Jay Kristoff and Amy Kauffman ever since Illuminae and this has had such a big hype around it so yah.


I don’t know why I have so many hyped books on this list since I tend to have bad luck with hyped books :’D But you have to agree that this will be a 5 star read! I’m super excited and want to get this asap!



  1. Obsidio, Nevernight, and Children of Blood and Bone were all 5 star reads for me! The Librarian of Auschwitz is on my list of books to get to soon. I hope we both love it! I’ve heard nothing but great things 🙂
    Thanks for participating – added you to the list 🙂

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  2. I keep saying this but I LOVE CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE. The hype is pretty much deserved in my opinion. I could hardly believe it’s Adeyemi’s debut, simply because she incorporates so many issues that are relevant today in a high fantasy novel. Like. I love it. I simply love it. :’)
    I just finished Stalking Jack the Ripper on Sunday. Gave me the creeps at times with how.. descriptive certain things were, haha. Curious to get started on the sequel. Maybe I’ll do that.. next week? I don’t know; we’ll see. 😛

    Happy reading! And I hope you give all these books five stars! 😀

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  3. Sorry to hear about your slump. I managed to bypass mine for the moment. Basically I did a lot of tv watching and no reading for a few days lol 😂 hopefully you’ll come out of it soon. I have nevernight on my shelf too but Brittany over at PerfectlyTolerable adviced me to wait until book three is out in September. So I’m doing that. Loved Children of Blood and Bone! I still have to get into Illuminae. I have it, but never gotten to it. Hopefully soon 😊 happy reading 😁📖

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  4. Obsidio was definitely a five star read for me it was fantastic! Stalking Jack the Ripper was on my list so I am so happy that loads of other people have said that they loved it 🙂 I hope these books are all five star reads for you

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  5. I have a feeling that Children of Blood and Bone will be a five star for me as well!! It just sounds soo good! ❤ also, I’ve heard so many extraordinary things about Nevernight that I really have to check it out soon! I’m currently reading Stalking Jack The Ripper, but I’m feeling kind of meh about it, hopefully it will grow on me.
    Great post! ❤

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  6. I haven’t read these books, but man the covers are so pretty!

    I didn’t see a contact page, so I wasn’t sure where the best place to ask this was, but My name is Victoria Grace Howell. I blog at Wanderer’s Pen ( I’m currently running a big series where I interview people from around the world to promote international diversity, break stereotypes, and make a crash course for writers. I’ve interviewed people from over seventy countries so far. I’ve been looking for interviewees from Finland, and I’d love to have you on the project. I’ll also promote your blog in the post. How it works is I send you a document with questions and then you send it back with your answers. You can check out one of the latest posts in the series so you’ll get an idea of what yours would look like: Would you be interested in this?

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